
The Next Generation Of Education Is Here

"Revolutionize your approach to education with Next Campus - the all-in-one platform that simplifies management and empowers learning."

All-In-One Centralized System

Next Campus is the open-source solution for educational institutes and schools, providing an integrated system for managing student information, employee management, and expenses. Our interactive portal makes managing students, teachers, courses, and academic programs easy, while our platform provides maintenance and supervision of the institution, separate from the faculty or academics. Simplify education management, increase productivity, and achieve academic success with Next Campus."









Take Exams Anywhere with AI-Enabled Exam Module!

Description: Our Exams Module, integrated with AI and ML technology, offers multiple language support and seamless integration with third-party software such as GPT and QuillBot. It streamlines the exam process, automates grading, and provides accurate and reliable results, allowing educators to focus on providing valuable feedback to students to enhance their learning experience.

Custom Workflows

Every Institute is unique and has its own unique way of taking assessments. Sign up to experience the custom workflows in action.

No Code Interactions

A teacher's ability should be judged in how well they teach, not by which software they know how to use.

Online Assessments Platform

Set up custom exams and allow student to easy apply. Powered by Ethical AI at its core.


Have a 3 party online assessment platform ? Utilize that with our custom integrations options. Contact Today to set up your plugin


Customize the UI to fit your institute needs. No more generic screens

Regular Releases

Our primary focus has always been to bring the best to the people that need it the most, repeatedly. Sign Up for our newsletter to read about recent releases and future updates.

What our users say about us ?

Revolutionize Learning: Software for Smarter Institutions

The best education is not one-size-fits-all, so why should your software be?


Assessment Bundle

Looking for an affordable online assessment solution for your college or higher education institute? Look no further than our cutting-edge software! With our solution, you'll be able to streamline your assessment process and provide your students with a more efficient and effective learning experience. Don't wait any longer to take your assessment process to the next level. Contact us today to learn more!

If you are a Teacher, Access a library of pre-made assessments and questions.

If you are an Admin, Reduce costs associated with paper-based assessments.

If you are a Student, Enjoy a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

If you are a Staff, Collaborate with other staff members to create and administer assessments.

Unlock Your Institution's Potential with the Ultimate Management Software - The Complete Solution to Streamline Your Operations and Boost Your Productivity!


Workflow Builder

Streamline Actions with ease. Schedule smarter


Access to App Ecosystem

This means no more switching between multiple apps and systems just to get things done!


Feature 3

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Feature 4

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Our Custom Workflow Builder feature is designed to help you streamline your institution's processes and increase productivity. With this feature, you can create custom workflows that satisfy your institution's unique needs, automate repetitive tasks, and eliminate bottlenecks. Here are the top five benefits of using our Custom Workflow Builder feature:

Customizable workflows: With the ability to create custom workflows, you can tailor your processes to meet the specific needs of your institution.

Increased transparency: The Custom Workflow Builder feature provides greater transparency, making it easier to track progress and manage tasks.

Improved project management: By automating repetitive tasks and eliminating bottlenecks, you can save valuable time and resources, improving project management efficiency.

Reduced errors: Automating tasks and processes reduces the chance of human error, improving overall accuracy.

Increased productivity: By automating repetitive tasks, staff can focus on more important work, increasing overall productivity.


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+91 9321072677
